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frontier auth

Auth configs that need to be used with frontier

frontier completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell]

Generate shell completion scripts

frontier config <command>

Manage client configurations

frontier config init

Initialize a new client configuration

frontier config list

List client configuration settings

frontier environment

List of supported environment variables

frontier group

Manage groups

frontier group create [flags]

Upsert a group

-f, --file string     Path to the group body file
-H, --header string Header <key>:<value>

frontier group edit [flags]

Edit a group

-f, --file string   Path to the group body file

frontier group list

List all groups

frontier group view [flags]

View a group

-m, --metadata   Set this flag to see metadata

frontier namespace

Manage namespaces

frontier namespace list

List all namespaces

frontier namespace view

View a namespace

frontier organization

Manage organizations

frontier organization admlist

list admins of an organization

frontier organization create [flags]

Upsert an organization

-f, --file string     Path to the organization body file
-H, --header string Header <key>:<value>

frontier organization edit [flags]

Edit an organization

-f, --file string   Path to the organization body file

frontier organization list

List all organizations

frontier organization view [flags]

View an organization

-m, --metadata   Set this flag to see metadata

frontier permission

Manage permissions

frontier permission create [flags]

Upsert a permission

-f, --file string     Path to the permission body file
-H, --header string Header <key>:<value>

frontier permission edit [flags]

Edit a permission

-f, --file string   Path to the permission body file

frontier permission list

List all permissions

frontier permission view

View a permission

frontier policy

Manage policies

frontier policy create [flags]

Upsert a policy

-f, --file string     Path to the policy body file
-H, --header string Header <key>:<value>

frontier policy edit [flags]

Edit a policy

-f, --file string   Path to the policy body file

frontier policy view

View a policy

frontier project

Manage projects

frontier project create [flags]

Upsert a project

-f, --file string     Path to the project body file
-H, --header string Header <key>:<value>

frontier project edit [flags]

Edit a project

-f, --file string   Path to the project body file

frontier project list

List all projects

frontier project view [flags]

View a project

-m, --metadata   Set this flag to see metadata

frontier role

Manage roles

frontier role create [flags]

Upsert a role

-f, --file string     Path to the role body file
-H, --header string Header <key>:<value>

frontier role edit [flags]

Edit a role

-f, --file string   Path to the role body file

frontier role list

List all roles

frontier role view [flags]

View a role

-m, --metadata   Set this flag to see metadata

frontier seed [flags]

Seed the database with initial data

-c, --config string   config file path
-H, --header string Header <key>

frontier server

Server management

frontier server init [flags]

Initialize server

-o, --output string      Output config file path (default "./config.yaml")
-r, --resources string URL path of resources. Full path prefixed with scheme where resources config yaml files are kept
local storage file "file:///tmp/resources_config"
GCS Bucket "gs://frontier-bucket-example"
(default: file://{pwd}/resources_config)

-u, --rule string URL path of rules. Full path prefixed with scheme where ruleset yaml files are kept
local storage file "file:///tmp/rules"
GCS Bucket "gs://frontier-bucket-example"
(default: file://{pwd}/rules)

frontier server keygen [flags]

Generate 2 rsa keys as jwks for auth token generation

-k, --keys int   num of keys to generate (default 2)

frontier server migrate [flags]

Run DB Schema Migrations

-c, --config string   config file path

frontier server migrate-rollback [flags]

Run DB Schema Migrations Rollback to last state

-c, --config string   config file path

frontier server start [flags]

Start server and proxy default on port 8080

-c, --config string   config file path

frontier user

Manage users

frontier user create [flags]

Upsert an user

-f, --file string     Path to the user body file
-H, --header string Header <key>:<value>

frontier user edit [flags]

Edit an user

-f, --file string   Path to the user body file

frontier user list

List all users

frontier user view [flags]

View an user

-m, --metadata   Set this flag to see metadata

frontier version

Print version information